Coredao_Org is the only official Twitter handle of Satoshi #BTCs Anchoring #SatoshiPlus Consensus mission for Every #SatoshiPlus Consensus members, They came for transparency and fairness to all. We call on @verified to verify this handle. If you support this, retweet and like.

We call on other Satoshi BTCs #SatoshiPlus influencer following @Coredao_Org visions and ideology to use their page to all tweet to notify @verified to kindly verify our Official @Coredao_Org twitter handle for transparency and fairness. Together we stand, Divided we fall. #BTCs

Congrat to all Core Miners because Many common people life's is about to change for the best in the #SatoshiPlusConsensus mission starting immediately Mainnet server goes online. Thanks to @Coredao_Org. Not mining Core, Register/download/KYC/start minig

 joining Link

New miners, Login into the app(Android), click on personal settings, click on am not a robot to undergo face KYC. After successful within 60sec, click on mining to start mining. Receive #CORE twice daily then receive #Btc    daily. 

This was Because algorithms to validate transactions is vital in a secured Public blockchain like CoreChain, Satoshi whose original Consensus core is been built upon use PoW to deter malicious use of computing power to destrupt the network.

